9th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
January 23, 2019 | Valencia, Spain
In conjunction with HiPEAC 2019, January 21-23, 2019 |
With multicore processors and deep memory hierarchies remaining the main source
of performance, and emerging areas such as energy-aware computation requiring
research breakthroughs, polyhedral compilation techniques receive more
attention than ever from both researchers and practitioners. Thanks to a
unified formalism for parallelization and memory optimization, these techniques
are now powering domain-specific language compilers yielding best performance
in highly competitive areas such as machine learning and numeric simulation.
IMPACT is a unique event focusing exclusively on polyhedral compilation that
brings together researchers and practitioners for a high-quality one-day event
including a keynote, selected paper presentations, and posters for
work-in-progress discussions.
Opening and Keynote (10:00 - 11:00)
David Wonnacott (Haverford College) and Oleksandr Zinenko (Google Inc.)
Keynote: With great trends come great (polyhedral) responsibilities
Benoît Meister (Reservoir Labs)
Larger scale computing requires a step up from loop parallelism in exhibiting
parallelism in programs. Simultaneously, the prominence of accelerators and the
arrival of Near Threshold Voltage make computing more heterogeneous and call
for better load balancing technologies. Memories are still mostly far away from
processing, and over-provisioning of computations seems to be the magic bullet
that enables data access latency to be covered by computations, provided that …
there is enough parallelism. Event-Driven Task (EDT) programming paradigms, in
which a parallel program is declared in terms of tasks that can schedule each
other asynchronously and define inter-task dependencies, seem to be the
community’s response to these combined needs. We discuss the challenges and
ideas we had in the process of targeting EDTs in a polyhedral mapper.
Do you know anybody who doesn’t do anything related to Deep Learning (DL),
nowadays ? This mega-trend is an incredible opportunity to show the superiority
of the polyhedral approach to the world. We take note that DL researchers tend
to reinvent the wheel at an age when wheels are automatically built (and there
are even free wheel-building machines!), and we open the Pandora’s box of how
to make developers use polyhedral model more broadly.
Break (11:00 — 11:30)
Session 1: Theoretical Aspects (11:30 — 13:00)
Paper: Some Efficient Algorithms for the Tightest U-TVPI Polyhedral Over-Approximation problem.
Abhishek Patwardhan and Ramakrishna Upadrasta.
Many static analysis problems involve solving mathematical data-flow equations
over various numerical abstract domains. Convex polyhedra is one such abstract
domain that is widely used to precisely capture affine relationships among
program variables. However, majority of the analysis problems based on convex
polyhedral domains fail to scale for large problem sizes due to the
high-complexity/exponential nature of operations defined over them (such as
Feasibility, Optimization, Fourier-Motzkin, Vertex enumeration).
The (Unit-)Two Variable Per Inequality (UTVPI) Polyhedra (also called as
Octagons) have been proven to be a very useful abstract domain; due to its
improved worst-case polynomial time complexity, as well as ease of
implementation. In order to enable usage of Octagon abstract domain, it becomes
important to efficiently compute the tightest Octagonal Over-Approximation (OA)
from an arbitrary convex-polyhedron.
In this paper, we present two new algorithms that compute the tightest UTVPI-OA
of a given convex polyhedron (provided it exists) by relying on elementary
polyhedral operations. Our algorithms improve over the OA algorithm that is
implemented in the state-of-art libraries.
Our first algorithm is based on linear programming (LP) which based on a series
of LP calls. Our second algorithm is based on Fourier-Motzkin elimination
(projections) combined with a only rotation operations. Both the algorithms
fully exploit the Octagonal nature of the OA that they aim to obtain; so, they
are highly simple in nature (in theory as well as implementation), simple to
reason about correctness and optimality, and also very easy to implement. We
implemented our two algorithms in the Integer Set Library (ISL), a open-source
polyhedral compilation library.
We believe that our algorithms will be useful in various static analysis as
well as polyhedral compilation applications like polyhedral scheduling,
code-generation, cache miss calculation, transitive closure.
Paper: The Limit of Polynomials
Tomofumi Yuki
This paper studies the Handelman's theorem used for polynomial scheduling,
which resembles the Farkas' lemma for affine scheduling. Theorems from real
algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization show that some polynomials have
Handelman representations when they are non-negative on a domain, instead of
strictly positive as stated in Handelman's theorem. The global minimizers of a
polynomial must be at the boundaries of the domain to have such a
representation with finite bounds on the degree of monomials. This creates
discrepancies in terms of polynomials included in the exploration space with a
fixed bound on the monomial degree. Our findings give an explanation to our
failed attempt to apply polynomial scheduling to Index-Set Splitting: we were
precisely trying to find polynomials with global minimizers at the interior of
a domain.
Talk: Semantic Array Dataflow Analysis.
Paul Iannetta, Laure Gonnord, Lionel Morel and Tomofumi Yuki.
This paper revisits the polyhedral model's key analysis, dependency analysis.
The semantic formulation we propose allows a new definition of the notion of
dependency and the computation of the dependency set. As a side effect, we
propose a general algorithm to compute an over-approximation of the
dependency set of general imperative programs.
We argue that this new formalization will later allow for a new vision of the
polyhedral model in terms of semantics, which will help us fully characterize
its expressivity and applicability. We also believe that abstract semantics
will be the key for designing an approximate abstract model in order to enhance
the applicability of the polyhedral model.
Break (13:00 — 14:00)
Session 2: Practical Aspects (14:00 — 15:30)
Paper: The Polyhedral Model Beyond Loops - Recursion Optimization and Parallelization Through Polyhedral Modeling
Salwa Kobeissi and Philippe Clauss.
There may be a huge gap between the statements outlined by programmers in a
program source code and instructions that are actually performed by a given
processor architecture when running the executable code. This gap is due to the
way the input code has been interpreted, translated and transformed by the
compiler and the final processor hardware. Thus, there is an opportunity for
efficient optimization strategies, that are dedicated to specific control
structures and memory access patterns, to apply as soon as the actual runtime
behavior has been discovered, even if they could not have been applied on the
original source code.
In this paper, we develop this idea by identifying code extracts that behave as
polyhedral-compliant loops at runtime, while not having been outlined at all as
loops in the original source code. In particular, we are interested in
recursive functions whose runtime behavior can be modeled as polyhedral loops.
Therefore, the scope of this study exclusively includes recursive functions
whose control flow and memory accesses exhibit an affine behavior, which means
that there exists a semantically equivalent affine loop nest, candidate for
polyhedral optimizations. Accordingly, our approach is based on analyzing early
executions of a recursive program using a Nested Loop Recognition (NLR)
algorithm, performing the affine loop modeling of the original program runtime
behavior, which is then used to generate an equivalent iterative program,
finally optimized using the polyhedral compiler Polly. We present some
preliminary results showing that this approach brings recursion optimization
techniques into a higher level in addition to widening the scope of the
polyhedral model to include originally non-loop programs.
Talk: Abstracting Iteration- and Data-Space Transformations with High-Level Language Features
David Wonnacott, Mary Glaser, Divesh Otwani and Sehyeok Park.
Automatic polyhedral optimizers may fail to identify an op- timal
transformation for a number of reasons. For example, they may be unable to
analyze non-affine terms, their sched- uling technique may include assumptions
or algorithmic steps that exclude the optimal schedule(s), or they may not be
able to identify optimizations that require data-space, as well as
iteration-space, transformation. When performance is critical and automatic
tools fail, programmers may resort to hand-tuning their codes, hoping to buy
performance at the price of hours of work, loss of code readability and porta-
bility, and the potential introduction of bugs.
In general, we aim to solve these problems with (1) clever polyhedral or
non-polyhedral optimizations of both iteration and storage spaces, and, (2)
abstractions that use high-level languages features to maintain the clarity of
the algorithms in optimized code.
Prior work has abstracted PluTo’s “diamond tiling” op- timization via Chapel’s
iterators (without sacrificing per- formance results). We have used Chapel’s
iterators, along with Chapel’s records, to abstract optimizations -that are not
found by PluTo- of Nussinov’s algorithm (in prior work) and the Deriche image
processing algorithm, and we have confirmed that storage-space transformation
can produce greater speedup than Pluto for the syr2k linear algebra kernel (all
from the Polybench benchmark suite).
Paper: Beyond Polyhedral Analysis of OpenStream Programs
Nuno Miguel Nobre, Andi Drebes, Graham Riley and Antoniu Pop.
Polyhedral techniques are, when applicable, an effective instrument for
automatic parallelization and data locality optimization of sequential
programs. This paper motivates their adoption in OpenStream, a task-parallel
streaming language following the dataflow model of execution. We show that (1)
it is possible to exploit the parallelism that naturally arises from dataflow
task graphs with loop tiling transformations provided by the polyhedral model
and (2) that a combination of dataflow task-parallelism and polyhedral
optimizations performs significantly better than polyhedral parallelization
techniques applied to sequential programs and dataflow task-parallelism without
polyhedral optimization techniques. Our technique obtains parallel speedups
superior to 1.2x when compared to state-of-the-art polyhedral-tiled OpenMP, and
1.6x when compared to manually tiled OpenStream implementations, for a simple
Gauss-Seidel kernel.
However, stream indexing is often polynomial in the general case, severely
limiting the set of OpenStream programs amenable to polyhedral tools and
hindering the automation of our technique. We further investigate how the
approach of Feautrier may offer a path not only to automatically convert
fine-grained task-level concurrency to coarser-grained tasks, but also for
scheduling under resource constraints.
Break (15:30 — 16:00)
Session 3: Data Layout Transformations (16:00 — 16:30)
Paper: Integrating Data Layout Transformations with the Polyhedral Model
Jun Shirako and Vivek Sarkar.
In the polyhedral model, classical loop transformations and statement
reordering transformations have been unified and formalized as affine
scheduling problems that can be applied to optimization goals such as locality
and parallelism. More recently, data layout transformations have shown
significant benefits in improving performance by contributing to improved
efficiencies in spatial locality, multi-core parallelism and vector
parallelism. However, integration of data layout transformations in the
polyhedral model has received relatively little attention thus far.
In this paper, we report on our work-in-progress on integrating data layout
transformations in the polyhedral model, with a focus on affine representations
of data layout transformations. We also demonstrate the potential benefit of
performing loop and data layout transformations as an integrated optimization
problem, compared to standard decoupled approaches which pick a specific phase
order (e.g., data layout transformations before loop transformations) and can
thereby miss opportunities to co-optimize both data layout transformations and
loop transformations.
Panel Discussion and Closing (16:30 — 17:15)
Panel: The Polyhedral Model in the Age of Implementation
Panelists: Cédric Bastoul, Albert Cohen, Benoît Meister, Sven Verdoolaege.
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: | October 26, 2018 (AoE) |
| October 19, 2018 (AoE) |
Paper deadline: | November 2, 2018 (AoE) |
| October 26, 2018 (AoE) |
Notification of decision: | December 3, 2018 |
Final version due: | December 14, 2018 |
Workshop: | January 23, 2019 |
Call For Paper Information
We welcome both theoretical and experimental papers on all aspects of
polyhedral compilation and optimization. We also welcome submissions
describing preliminary results, crazy new ideas, position papers,
experience reports, and available tools, with an aim to stimulate
discussions, collaborations, and advances in the field. The following
illustrate potential IMPACT papers:
- Thorough theoretical discussion of a preliminary idea with an attempt to
place it in context but no experimental results.
- Experimental results comparing two or more existing ideas, followed by a
detailed analysis.
- Presentation of an existing idea in a different way, including
illustrations of how the idea applies to new use cases, code,
architectures, etc. Attribution should as clear as possible.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- program optimization (automatic parallelization, tiling, etc.);
- code generation;
- data/communication management on GPUs, accelerators and distributed systems;
- hardware/high-level synthesis for affine programs;
- static analysis;
- program verification;
- model checking;
- theoretical foundations of the polyhedral model;
- extensions of the polyhedral model;
- scalability and robustness of polyhedral compilation techniques.
Submissions should not exceed 10 pages (recommended 8 pages), excluding
references, formatted as per ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format. Please use
version 1.54 or above of the following templates to prepare your
manuscript: ACM
Proceedings Template. Make sure to use the sigplan
subformat. Visit the SIGPLAN
Author Resources page for further information on SIGPLAN manuscript formatting.
NOTE: older versions of the article template use smaller fonts for
submission, please double-check that you are using the recent style file
(in particular, various LaTeX distributions ship older versions of the
acmart style file, please download the most recent one from ACM).
Submissions should use PDF format and be printable on US Letter or A4
paper. Please submit your manuscripts through EasyChair:
Submission deadline has passed.
Proceedings will be posted online. If the final version of an accepted
paper does not sufficiently address the comments of the reviewers, then
it may be accompanied by a note from the program committee. Publication
at IMPACT will not prevent later publication in conferences or journals
of the presented work. However, simultaneous submission to IMPACT and
other workshop, conference, or journal is often prohibited by the policy
of other venues. For instance, a manuscript overlapping significantly
with IMPACT submission cannot be submitted to PLDI 2019 or any other
overlapping SIGPLAN event.
David Wonnacott | (Haverford College, USA) |
Oleksandr Zinenko | (Google, France) |
Program Committee
Paul Feautrier | (ENS Paris, France) |
Paul H J Kelly | (Imperial College London, UK) |
Cedric Bastoul | (University of Strasbourg, France) |
Albert Cohen | (Inria / ENS Paris, France) |
Sanjay Rajopadhye | (Colorado State University, USA) |
Francois Irigoin | (Mines Paris Tech, France) |
Louis-Noel Pouchet | (Colorado State University, USA) |
Sven Verdoolaege | (KU Leuven, Belgium) |
Mary Hall | (University of Utah, USA) |
Nicolas Vasilache | (Google, USA) |
Tomofumi Yuki | (University of Rennes / IRISA, France) |
Tobias Grosser | (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) |
Jun Shirako | (GeorgiaTech, USA) |
Ramakrishna Upadrasta | (IIT Hyderabad, India) |
Martin Kong | (Brookhaven National Laboratory USA) |
Andreas Kloeckner | (Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA) |
Guillaume Iooss | (ENS Paris / Inria, France) |
Karthik Murthy | (Stanford University, USA) |
Anand Venkat | (Intel, USA) |
Michael Kruse | (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) |
Somashekaracharya Bhaskaracharya | (National Instruments, USA) |
Contact us
Please send any questions to
Oleksandr Zinenko and
David Wonnacott